Selected publications

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  1. Chen C*, Zhang Z*, Liu Y*, Hong W*, Karahan H, Wang J, Li W, Diao L, Yu M, Saykin AJ, Nho K, Kim J, Han L#. Comprehensive characterization of the transcriptional landscape in Alzheimer's disease (AD) brains. Science Advances. 2025 Jan 3;11(1):eadn1927. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.adn1927. Epub 2025 Jan 3. PMID: 39752483
  2. Luo M*, Yang J*, Schaffer AA, Chen C, Liu Y, Chen Y, Lin C, Diao L, Zang Y, Lou Y, Salman H, Mills GB#, Ruppin E#Han L#. Ancestral differences in anti-cancer treatment efficacy and their underlying genomic and molecular alterations. Cancer Discovery, 2024, PMID: 39601595
  3. Xun Z, Zhou H, Shen M, Liu Y, Sun C, Du Y, Jiang Z, Yang L, Zhang Q, Lin C, Hu Q, Ye Y, Han L#. Identification of Hypoxia‐ALCAMhigh Macrophage‐Exhausted T Cell Axis in Tumor Microenvironment Remodeling for Immunotherapy Resistance. Advanced Science, 2024
  4. Wang R*, Chen C*, Liu Y*, Luo M, Yang J, Chen Y, Ma L, Yang L, Lin C, Diao L#Han L#The pharmacogenomic and immune landscape of snoRNAs in human cancers. Cancer Letters, 2024 Oct, doi: 10.1016/j.canlet.2024.217304. PMID: 39426663
  5. Chen C, Liu Y, Luo M, Yang J, Chen Y, Wang R, Zhou J, Zang Y, Diao L, Han L#. PancanQTLv2.0: a comprehensive resource for expression quantitative trait loci across human cancers. Nucleic Acids Research. 2023, PMID: 37870463
  6. Liu Y, Yang J, Wang T, Luo M, Chen Y, Chen C, Ronai Z, Zhou Y, Ruppin E#, Han L#. Expanding PROTACtable genome universe of E3 ligases. Nature Communications, 2023, 14: 6509. PMID: 37845222
  7. Zhang Z, Gao Q, Ren X, Luo M, Liu Y, Liu P, Ye Y, Chen X, Liu H, Han L#. Characterization of intratumor microbiome in cancer immunotherapy. The Innovation, 2023.
  8. Chen C, Liu Y, Li Q, Zhang Z, Luo M, Liu Y, Han L#. The genetic pharmacogenomic, and immune landscapes associated with protein expression across human cancers. Cancer Research, 2023, PMID: 37548539.
  9. Zhang Y, Zhao Z, Huang LA, Liu Y, Yao J, Sun C, Li Y, Zhang Z, Ye Y, Yuan F, Nguyen TK, Garlapati NR, Wu A, Egranov SD, Caudle AS, Sahin AA, Lim B, Beretta L, Calin GA, Yu D, Hung MC, Curran MA, Rezvani K, Gan B, Tan Z#, Han L#, Lin C#, Yang L#. Molecular mechanisms of snoRNA-IL-15 crosstalk in adipocyte lipolysis and NK cell rejuvenation. Cell Metabolism, 2023. PMID: PMID: 37329887
  10. Liu Y#, Chen Y, Han L#. Bioinformatics: Advancing biomedical discovery and innovation in the era of big data and artificial intelligence. The innovation Medicine, 2023. Highlighted on the cover.
  11. Xun Z, Ding X, Zhang Y, Zhang B, Lai S, Zou D, Zheng J, Chen G, Su B, Han L#, Ye Y#. Reconstruction of the tumor spatial microenvironment along the malignant-boundary-nonmalignant axis. Nature Communications, 2023. PMID: 36806082
  12. Dong Y, Gao Q, Chen Y, Zhang Z, Du Y, Liu Y, Zhang G, Li S, Wang G, Chen X, Liu H, Han L#, Ye Y#, Identification of CircRNA signature associated with tumor immune infiltration to predict therapeutic efficacy of immunotherapy. Nature Communications, 2023, 14: 2540. PMID: 37137884
  13. Liu Y#, Han L#Harnessing transposable elements for cancer therapy. Trends in Cancer, 2023, PMID: 37248150
  14. Chen C#, Han L#. Multi-omic genetic scores advance disease research. Trends in Genetics, 2023, PMID: 37295977
  15. Chen Y#, Liu Y, Han L#. Spatial landscape of the tumor immune microenvironment. Trends in Cancer, 2033, PMID: 36967255
  16. Yang J#, Chen Y, Han L#. A multi-omics perspective of CART T Cell therapy. Clinical Translational Medicine, 2023. PMID: 37228183
  17. Yang J, Chen Y, Han L#. Dynamic immune signatures as biomarkers for irAEs. Trends in Cancer, 2023, PMID: 36941187
  18. Yang, J.*, Chen, Y.*, Jing, Y.*, Green, M.R.# and Han, L.#. Advancing CAR T cell therapy through the use of multidimensional omics data. Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology, 2023, pp.1-18
  19. Sun C*, Ye Y*, Tan Z*, Liu Y, Li Y, Hu W, Liang K, Egranov SD, Huang LA, Zhang Z, Zhang Y, Yao J, Nguyen TK, Zhao Z, Wu A, Marks JR, Caudle AS, Sahin AA, Gao J, Gammon ST, Piwnica-Worms D, Hu J, Chiao PJ, Yu D, Hung MC, Curran MA, Calin GA, Ying H, Han L#, Lin C#, Yang L#. Tumor-associated nonmyelinating Schwann cell-expressed PVT1 promotes pancreatic
    cancer kynurenine pathway and tumor immune exclusion. Science advances. 2023. 9(5):eadd6995
  20.  Luo M#Han L#. Autophagy induction sensitizes cancer cells to anti-cancer drugs. Autophagy. 2022.
  21.  Jing Y#, Yang J, Han L#. Distinct T cell sub-clusters may serve as biomarkers for immune-related adverse events. Cell Reports Medicine. 2022. 4(1):100902.
  22. Luo M*, Ye L*, Chang R*, Ye Y, Zhang Z, Liu C, Li S, Jing Y, Ruan H, Zhang G, He Y, Liu Y, Xue Y, Chen X#, Guo AY#, Liu H#Han L#. Multi-omics characterization of autophagy-related molecular features for therapeutic targeting of autophagy. Nature Communications. 2022, 13: 6345. PMID: 36289218
  23. Ruan H#, Wang C, Han L#. Characterization of circular RNAs with advanced sequencing technologies in human complex diseases. WIRES RNA, 2022: e1759, PMID: 36164985
  24. Luo M, Liu Y, Hermida LC, Gertz, EM, Zhang Z, Li Q, Diao L, Ruppin E, and Han L#, 2022. Race is a key determinant of the human intratumor microbiome. Cancer cell, 40(9), pp.901-902.
  25. Liu Y#,  Han L# (2022). TRUST4 Interrogates the Immune Receptor Repertoire in Oncology and Immunotherapy. Cancer Immunology Research, OF1-OF1.
  26. Jing Y*, Yang J*, Johnson DB#, Moslehi JJ#, Han L#. Harnessing big data to characterize immune-related adverse events. Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology 19269–280 (2022). 
  27. Jing Y*, Chen X*, Li K, Liu Y, Zhang Z, Chen Y, Liu Y, Wang Y, Lin SH, Diao L, Wang J, Lou Y, Johnson DB, Chen X#, Liu H#, Han L#. Association of antibiotic treatment with immune-related adverse events in cancer patients receiving immunotherapy. Journal of Immunotherapy of Cancer (In press)
  28. Zhang Z#,*, Luo M*, Li Q, Liu Y, Lussier C, Zhang J, Ye Y, Guo AY#, Han L#. Genetic, pharmacogenomic, and immune landscapes of enhancer RNAs across human cancers. Cancer Research (In press)
  29. Ye Y*, Zhang Y*, Yang N*, Gao Q*, Ding X, Kuang X, Bao R, Zhang Z, Sun C, Zhou B, Wang L, Hu Q, Lin C, Gao J, Lou Y, Lin SH, Diao L, Liu H#, Chen X#, Mills GB#, Han L#. Profiling of immune features to predict immunotherapy efficacy. The Innovation, 2021
  30. Jing Y#,*, Liu Y*, Li Q, Ye Y, Diao L, Huang Y, Zhou Y, Green MR, Mills GB, Han L#. Expression of chimeric antigen receptor therapy targets detected by single-cell sequencing of normal cells may contribute to off-tumor toxicity. Cancer Cell, 2021. PMID: 34678153
  31. Zhang Z, Han L#. Circular RNAs sequenced at last. Nature Biotechnology. 2021. PMID: 33948001
  32. Correa S#, Han L#. Career pathways, part 4. Nature Metabolism. 2021, 3: 446-448. PMID: 33824514
  33. Ruan H#, Li Q, Liu Y, Liu Y, Lussier C, Diao L, Han L#. GPEdit: the genetic and pharmacogenomic landscape of A-to-I RNA editing in cancers. Nucleic Acids Research. 2021. gkab810. PMID: 34534336
  34. Jing Y*, Zhang Y*, Wang J*, Li K*, Chen X, Heng J, Gao Q, Ye Y, Zhang Z, Liu Y, Lou Y, Lin SH, Diao L, Liu H#, Chen X#, Mills GB#, Han L#. Association between sex and immune-related adverse events during immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy. Journal of National Cancer Institute, 2021. PMID:33705549
  35. Zhang Z, Jing , Ye Y, Chen Z, Jing Y, Li S, Hong W, Ruan H, Liu Y, Hu Q, Wang J, Li W, Lin C, Diao L#, Zhou Y#, Han L#.  Characterization of the dual functional effects of heat shock proteins (HSPs) in cancer hallmarks to aid development of HSP inhibitors. Genome Medicine, 2020, 12: 101. PMID: 33225964
  36.  Zhang Z#, Hong W, Ruan H, Jing Y, Li S, Liu Y, Wang J, Li W, Diao L#, Han L#: HeRA: an atlas of enhancer RNAs across human tissues. Nucleic Acids Research, 2020, gkaa940, PMID: 33119754
  37. Jing Y, Liu J, Ye Y, Pan L, Deng H, Wang Y, Yang Y, Diao L, Lin SH, Mills GB, Zhuang G#, Xue X#, Han L#. Multi-omics prediction of immune-related adverse events during checkpoint immunotherapy. Nature Communications, 2020, 11: 4946, PMID: 33009409
  38. Liu Y, Ruan H, Li S, Ye Y, Hong W, Gong J, Zhang Z, Jing Y, Zhang X#, Diao L#, Han L#. The genetic and pharmacogenomic landscape of snoRNAs in human cancer. Molecular Cancer, 2020, 19: 108, PMID: 32576192
  39. Ye Y, Jing Y, Li L, Mills GB, Diao L#, Liu H#, Han L#. Sex-associated molecular differences for cancer immunotherapy. Nature Communications, 2020, 11: 1779, PMID: 32286310
  40. Ye Y, Zhang Z, Liu Y, Diao L#, Han L#: A Multi-Omics Perspective of Quantitative Trait Loci in Precision Medicine. Trends in Genetics, 2020, 36: 318-336, PMID: 32294413 (Feature review)
  41. Li S#, Zhang Z, Han L#: 3D Spheroids Propel Tumor Characterization. Trends in Cancer, 2020, PMID: 32423684
  42. Zhang Z, Lee JH, Ruan H, Ye Y, Krakowiak J, Hu Q, Xiang Y, Gong J, Zhou B, Wang L, Lin C, Diao L, Mills GB, Li W#, Han L#. Transcriptional landscape and clinical utility of enhancer RNAs for eRNA-targeted therapy in cancer. Nature Communications, 2019, 10: 4562. PMID: 31594934
  43. Li S, Zhang Z, Han L#: Molecular Treasures of Cancer Cell Lines. Trends in Molecular Medicine, 2019 PMID: 31255475
  44. Li S, Han L: Circular RNAs as promising biomarkers in cancer: detection, function, and beyond. Genome Medicine, 2019, 11:15. PMID:
  45. Zhang Z, Lee JH, Ruan H, Ye Y, Krakowiak J, Hu Q, Xiang Y, Gong J, Zhou B, Wang L, Lin C, Diao L, Mills GB, Li W#, Han L#. Transcriptional landscape and clinical utility of enhancer RNAs for eRNA-targeted therapy in cancer. Nature Communications, 2019, 10: 4562. PMID: 31594934
  46. Ruan H, Xiang Y, Ko J, Li S, Jing Y, Zhu X, Ye Y, Zhang Z, Mills T, Feng J, Liu CJ, Jing J, Cao J, Zhou B, Wang L, Zhou Y, Lin C, Guo AY, Chen X, Diao L, Li W, Chen Z, He X, Mills GB, Blackburn MR, Han L#. Comprehensive characterization of circular RNAs in ~1000 human cancer cell lines. Genome Medicine, 2019, 11: 55. PMID: 31446897
  47. Hong W, Ruan H, Zhang Z, Ye Y, Liu Y, Li S, Jing Y, Zhang H, Diao L, Liang H, Han L#. APAatlas: decoding alternative polyadenylation across human tissues. Nucleic Acids Research. 2019. PMID: 31586392
  48. Ye Y, Hu Q, Chen H, Liang K, Yuan Y, Ruan H, Zhang Z, Song A, Zhang H, Liu L, Diao L, Lou Y, Zhou B, Wang L, Zhou S, Gao J, Jonasch E, Lin S, Xia Y, Lin C, Yang L#, Mills GB#, Liang H#, Han L#: Characterization of Hypoxia-associated Molecular Features to Aid Hypoxia-Targeted Therapy. Nature Metabolism, 2019, 1: 431-444. PMID: 31984309
  49. Hu Q, Ye Y, Chan LC, Liang K, Li Y, Evans K, Pan Y, Zhang Y, Xia W, Liu J, Gong J, Chatterjee S, Han L#, Lin C#, Yang L#: Oncogenic LncRNA Downregulates Cancer Cell Antigen Presentation and Intrinsic Tumor Suppression. Nature Immunology, 2019 PMID: 31160797
  50. Xiang Y, Ye Y, Zhang Z, Han L#: Maximizing the utility of cancer transcriptomic data. Trends in Cancer, 2018, 4:823-837. PMID: 30470304
  51. Gong J, Wan H, Mei S, Ruan H, Zhang Z, Liu C, Guo AY, Diao L#, Miao X#, Han L#: Pancan-meQTL: a database to systematically evaluate the effects of genetic variants on methylation in human cancer. Nucleic Acids Research, 2018, gky814
  52. Ye Y, Xiang Y, Ozguc FM, Kim Y, Liu CJ, Park PK, Hu Q, Diao L, Lou Y, Lin C, Guo AY, Zhou B, Wang L, Chen Z, Takahashi JS, Mills GB, Yoo SH, Han L#: The genomic landscape and pharmacogenomic interactions of clock genes in cancer chronotherapy. Cell Systems, 2018, 6: 314-328 
  53. Gong J, Li Y, Liu CJ, Xiang Y, Li C, Ye Y, Zhang Z, Hawke DH,  Park PK, Diao L, Putkey JA, Yang L, Guo AY#, Lin C#, Han L#: A pan-cancer analysis of the expresion and clinical relevance of small nucleolar RNA in human cancer. Cell Reports, 2017, 21: 1968-1981 
  54. Xiang Y, Ye Y, Lou Y, Yang Y, Cai C, Zhang Z, Mills T, Chen NY, Kim Y, Ozguc FM, Diao L, Karmouty-Quintana H, Xia Y, Blackburn M, Kellems R, Chen Z, Yoo SH, Shyu AB, Mills GB, Han L#: Comprehensive characterization of alternative polyadenylation in human cancer. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 2017, djx223
  55. Gong J, Mei S, Liu C, Xiang  Y,Ye Y, Zhang Z, Feng J, Liu R, Diao L, Guo AY, Miao X, Han L#: PancanQTL: systematic identification of cis-eQTLs and trans-eQTLs in 33 cancer types. Nucleic Acids Research, 2017, gkx861
  56. Gong J, Liu C, Liu W, Xiang Y, Diao L, Guo AY#, Han L#: LNCediting: a database for functional effects of RNA editing in lncRNAs. Nucleic Acid Research. 2016, gkw835 
  57. Han L, Diao L, Yu S, Xu X, Li J, Zhang R, Yang Y , Werner HM, Eterovic KA, Yuan Y, Li J, Nair N, Minelli R, Tsang Y, Cheung LW, Jeong KJ, Roszik J, Ju Z, Woodman S, Lu Y, Scott KL, Li JB, Mills GB, Liang H: The genomic landscape and clinical relevance of A-to-I RNA editing in human cancers. Cancer Cell, 2015, 28: 515-528.